retail and wholesale plant starts

we love plants & people

umbel nursery began in 2017 but our experience with plants, gardens, and gardeners dates back over 25 years. our family values the ability to grow our own food, flowers, and medicine from seed and we want our community to have access to the same opportunity.

we offer custom grow trays (by pre-order only) for individuals and wholesale. choose from our extensive list of organic vegetable varieties, medicinal plants, and gorgeous cut flowers, place a hand-selected order with us, and then pick up your custom start trays in May!

ordering plant starts

check out our grow lists below

make a list of what you’d like us to grow and submit a contact inquiry below

pay for your order

pick up your plants in May!

our growing practices

a small family-run company, with high-quality standards, we use only organic seed, seed starter soil, and fertilizers. we are not certified organic, however, and will sub non-organic seed if we cannot source something we love and want to grow. we also save our own seed and use it year over year when feasible.  we recycle our plastic each year and disinfect it thoroughly.

ready to order?

we grow a limited amount of each seed! order early to ensure you get exactly what you want for the season

where you’ll find us

vendor and sponsor of Great Lakes Herb Faire

limited plant starts will be available at Jerome Country Market